Goal: Help Rescued Slaves' Businesses to Thrive!!


Goal: To buy, and find new venues for selling , products made by women and children rescued from sex slavery. By helping their businesses to thrive, we enable survivors to escape rampant poverty and forced prostitution, live a life of dignity, earn a living wage and even provide protection and a role model for their daughters and other young girls.

Amy Court, singer and songwriter, is bringing tote bags and jewelry on her tours. No profit for her- just generously spreading awareness and helping these survivors. We're looking for new opportunities in church bookstores, local shops, campus stores, on-line, at speaking engagements, on E-bay, in-home parties and more. But we need to be able to buy the products initially to sell! Once they do sell, we can use the proceeds to buy more products, and keep movement going.

Will you help us to help women and children live a life of freedom?

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